Crazy Scrappin' Mommy

Just another bored with her job working mom.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007


I blong to a Yahoo group for moms to boys. The group owner has a couple of blogs. A few days ago, she posted a note directing us to check out one of them. So I did. She was venting about her husband losing his job due to corporate downsizing.

In the post she made reference to daycares as "germ infested emotionally neglecting environments". I was so offended and wanted to call her on it, but don't want to get into a pissing match about it. My kids go to daycare. They have since they were three months old. I happen to think our daycare is a very well run business. Do I think my kids were/are emotionally neglected? No. Germ infested? Yes, but they do everything they can to contain the spread of illness. But you can not have 40 kids in the same location and not expect to have them contaminating each other.

I feel like she is attacking all the moms that have to put their kids in daycare. I am not attacking her choice to not vaccinate her kid, even though I would like to.

Monday, November 20, 2006

I Love November and Thanksgiving

I love November. Evil Boss leaves for about two weeks chasing our forest friends in an attempt to part them from their lives. And of course he ALWAYS shoot the biggest/nicest/hardest to hit creature. But he is gone gone gone! No more anxiety attacks or worrying if I am one minute late.

I love Thanksgiving because it is about the food and family. No worrying about the money for gifts, shopping or crowds. Just a lot of good food and fun. I started hosting Thanksgiving 4 or 5 years ago when I discovered giblets (yuck yuck yuck) in the dressing at my mother in laws. Now the dressing or stuffing or whatever you call it is one of my favoritest things about Thanksgiving and she bastardized it by putting guts in it. So, the next year I offered to have both of our families over for the meal.

So if anyone is reading my drivel, Happy Thanksgiving to you!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

What I Hate About Him

I hate my boss. Okay, maybe hate is a little strong, but I am so sick of his crap. So I am going to start keeping track of the things I hate about him and someday, I will read it and realize it is time to move on. I am going to update the list as needed.

1. Do as I say, not as I do.
2. Never say please, thank you or you have done a good job.
3. Lie, backstab and gossip about people you have in your professional circle.
4. Be rude to y0ur employees, but not tolerate rudeness to you.

That is all for now.


Thursday, October 19, 2006

Just another day in paradise

Grr - I stopped to deposit a check my mom gave me and discover our account is over drawn. I checked it when I got to work, only to discover that my request for reimbursement from our third party benefits company was never processed. Of course, I was assuming that the funds went into our checking account and made my car payment. So, now I have to wait a week for the funds to be processed. Just frickin' wonderful. I am so sick of the overdraft fees.

I got an email from my college friends. They want to get together for dinner. Fine. The day they pick? Monday the 30th - the day before Halloween. Can't happen. I wish they would just go without me. I am tired of listening to how great their lives are since they don't have kids. Well, I do. I can't just drop everything and go out for dinner. So I guess I will just have to bail on them again.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Happy Birthday to Dad

Crazy Scrappin' Mommy

My dad had heart bypass surgery yesterday. I have such mixed emotions about this. It is sobering to realize that your parents are not going to be aroound forever. But I was also pissed about it, because what he had fixed was basically a birth defect, something he has lived with for the last 67 years, so why the rush to surgery? He wants all of us to drop everything and rush to the hospital to stand vigil. Well, that is not the way it goes for me and my siblings. We have lives and jobs. It is not easy for me to juggle my kids and husband and a full time job. My sister works nights and has to sleep during the day. My brother runs a tree cutting crew and can't just not be there. My mom is holding a grudge against him for stuff that happened years ago, so she is not coming down to be there until Friday. Meanwhile, the nursing staff is thinking WTF and why is his wife not here? I can really suck being the oldest child. My siblings and I are feeling guilty because we should be there, but in reality, we all are making excuses as to why we can't.

I realize that this isn't all about me, but if he wants us to be there and since he was not in crisis, why couldn't this be scheduled for next week.

Anyway, today is his 67th birthday - what a way to celebrate. I can't get to the hospital, but I sent some balloons from my kids to him, and hopefully Scott can get to the hospital to see him.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Let's Begin at the Beginning

Because it is a good place to start. I am a 42 year old married mom of two. I want to give this blog thing a try, because I am no good at hand writing a journal. Since I need a place to let things out and I can't afford a shrink, I am going to give it a try.